At SAFStor, Inc., our dedication to improving the world around us starts with high-quality storage facilities, but it doesn’t end there. Through our Corporate Citizenship Strategy, we form community partnerships to support public safety and environmental sustainability, as well as lend helping hands to folks in need. These initiatives lay the foundation of our corporate stewardship. To learn more about the positive changes we make in our communities, please contact us.
We are a proud sponsor of Easterseals, Volusia County Schools, the Humane Society, and Halifax Health System.
We Help Others
We set aside three units for families in need within each project. We work with local charities to identify families that have lost their home due to a natural disaster, the loss of a job or even due to a tough run of luck. These families are provided with free access to the units while they get back on their feet.
We Make Neighborhoods Safer
We offer one space per project to local law enforcement to use as a police substation. This is a place where officers can take a break from patrol, grab a cup of coffee, fill out paperwork, and connect to WiFi. This provides a convenient respite for on-duty officers and it can also enhance the feeling of safety and security for individuals within the surrounding neighborhoods.
We Use Local Labor
Each contractor we work with is required to publish notice in local newspapers, which announces our projects and invites local subcontractors to a community meeting to learn more about SAFStor, Inc. We provide local subcontractors with the opportunity to submit bids for each job prior to buyout, so long as they meet the requirements for their respective trades.
We Protect the Environment
SAFStor, Inc. plants trees — upsized when possible — along adjacent pedestrian corridors and within project parking lots, whether or not tree additions are required by ordinance. Our landscape installations are designed to require water only during the establishment period.
We Use Low-Impact Design
This may include low-flow toilets, LED lighting, low-E glass and low-maintenance materials. Additionally, we reduce the availability of parking facilities and drive aisles to minimize urban heat island effects.
We Build Community Facilities
When possible, we incorporate neighborhood amenities in our projects. For instance, in one community we used a portion of excess land to build a soccer field, complete with goals and fencing to keep errant balls out of the road.
We Design Beautiful Buildings
Although we love our modern approach to architecture, we are sensitive to local aesthetics. We adapt our design to local community preferences, when requested.
We Mix it Up
In high-traffic locations, we incorporate ground-floor retail spaces to cultivate mixed-use developments.
We Provide Spaces to Gather
The police substation within each project can also double as a small community meeting space. We provide a table and a dozen chairs per substation for that purpose.
Making a Difference